It’s easy to convert a PDF file to a jpg, tiff, or png image in Acrobat 10.

Convert to JPEG:

First, open a PDF file in Acrobat and go to File > Save As > Image > and then choose a file type such as jpeg. On the save menu click the Settings button.

Here you can change the quality and color settings. Click OK and then save your file.

Generally, I would recommend saving as png since they work well on the web and you will tend to get sharper looking text than using jpeg.

You can add background images in Acrobat X and adjust how they appear in your PDF files.

First, open a PDF file and click Tools on the menu bar. Under the Pages section, click Background > Add Background.

This brings up the Add Background menu. You can either make the background a solid color or use an image. For this example we’ll use an image.

On the Add Background menu click the File radio button and then click Browse and select an image.

Under the Appearance section, you can make the image more transparent by reducing the Opacity. You can also move the image in the Position section.

When you’re finished adjusting the image, click OK and save your file.